Monday 11 April 2022
Due to COVID-related staffing shortages, we regret that Bannockburn Library will not be opening today.
We hope the library will return to normal operating hours tomorrow, but will provide updates on our social media and on the news section of our website if there are further changes.
Thank you for your understanding.
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From Tuesday 28 January, the Lorne mobile library stop will be serviced by the Colac Otway Shire Mobile Library (COSM) for a trial period.
Kim barne thaliyu / Geelong Heritage Centre is temporarily closed to the public while repairs are ongoing.
Due to repairs to storm damage, Torquay Library is temporarily closed today Thursday 28 November
All of our libraries, mobile libraries and Kim barne thaliyu/Geelong Heritage Centre will be closed from Wednesday 25 December -Wednesday 1 January inclusive.
Apply to display your art in our spacious glass cabinets for free at Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library.
Donate fresh produce this summer to those experiencing food insecurity this December.