Would you like book kits for your club?

We have book club kits spanning several genres, fiction and non-fiction, classic and contemporary.

  • Each kit includes 10 copies of the one title with discussion notes.
  • Kits cost $10 each to loan, payable on pickup from branch.
  • Each Book Club Kit is stored in a convenient carry bag.
  • A full list of book club titles can be found here.

For further information speak to the staff at your local library or email info@grlc.vic.gov.au


Where you can meet your next favourite book. Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love.

Good Reading magazine

Good Reading magazine is available in the library for loan. The magazine’s website has a book club page which gives ideas for starting a book club and recommendations for reading and discussion.

Enter a book you like and the site will analyse the database of real readers' favourite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.


Use the sliding tools to choose your next read based on your mood, interests, location the story is set or character and plot. Whichbook will also give you suggestions based on your enjoyment of current bestsellers.

Suggestion for Purchase

We review the Book Club Kit titles biannually, and welcome your suggestions for books to be considered.

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