Interior image, ground floor of Geelong Library with blurred figures of people moving about space.

Who we are

The Geelong Regional Library Corporation provides library and information services to residents and visitors across the Geelong region on behalf of our five member councils: Borough of Queenscliffe, City of Greater Geelong, Colac Otway Shire, Golden Plains Shire and Surf Coast Shire.

Through our network comprising a central library, 19 community libraries, three mobile libraries and this website, we provide free, universal access to lifelong learning, reading and discovery.  Our services, both physical and virtual, are as diverse as the community we serve.

Our purpose

A thriving public library service that boosts our communities’ health, prosperity, connectedness and belonging.

Our vision 

Our Library Plan 2021-25: Connecting and Thriving outlines our vision under four key pillars. By 2025, this is what you will be seeing: 


Geelong Regional Libraries is an innovative partner. We are addressing local needs with local solutions. You see us out and about in the region, focusing on vulnerable and hard to reach communities.

Places and spaces

Our spaces are adaptable and democratic; uplifting and sustainable.

Our people

Our team is curious, caring and skilled. We exhibit a spirit of experimentation that matches transformative times.

Regional leadership

Geelong Regional Libraries is known for leading regional recovery. We use our core strength for community good.

Our corporate story

The library corporation was formed under the provisions of Section 196 of the Local Government Act, 1989 on 4 March 1997 to provide library services within the local government areas of: Borough of Queenscliffe, City of Greater Geelong, Golden Plains Shire and Surf Coast Shire. The Colac Otway Shire joined the Corporation on 2 April 2021. 

Our governance body, the Regional Library Board, has eight members representing our five member councils, which contribute the majority of our funding together with State Government grants and project funding.

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