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Construction of the Armstrong Creek Library underway

Good news! The construction of the Armstrong Creek Library and Community Hub project is underway.

Adjoining the Armstrong Creek Town Square and shopping precinct, the three-level building will feature a library service, accessible modern facilities, a children’s story time area, multipurpose and creative spaces for community use, and outdoor terraces.

The facility has been designed by Buchan Architects, who worked with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation to create a ‘Living Water’ narrative. It is being built by Nicholson Construction.

The Hub will boast the latest environmentally sensitive features and carry a 5-Star Green Star design and construction rating.

Greater Geelong Mayor Peter Murrihy said the Armstrong Creek Library and Community Hub is one of numerous community facilities the City is developing to meet the requirements of the booming Armstrong Creek population, both now and into future.

“Along with community hubs in both the east and west of the Armstrong Creek growth corridor, this facility will serve a community that is estimated to reach between 55,000 and 65,000,” Mayor Murrihy said.

“Given its central location, and the ease with which it can be accessed by both car and public transport, I believe the Library and Community Hub will become a highly valued community space where people can connect, socialise, learn, and thrive.”

Councillor Ron Nelson, chair of the Geelong Regional Library Corporation, also welcomed the construction of the Library and Community hub.

“I’m very excited to see this development as this state-of-the-art facility aligns with our vision to be an inclusive, diverse, healthy and socially connected community,” Cr Nelson said.

“As the first social infrastructure delivered in the town centre we know this development will quickly become an important gathering place for the entire Armstrong Creek community.”

The project is expected to be completed in early 2024.

The City of Greater Geelong has contributed $20.364 million to the development with the Victorian Government providing $1.5 million through a Living Libraries Grant.


Image: L to R – Cr Anthony Aitken, Geelong Regional Library Director Community Experience - Pam Newton, Member for South Barwon - Darren Cheeseman, Cr Bruce Harwood, Cr Belinda Moloney, Geelong Regional Library Chief Operating Officer – Jeff Cole, Minister for Local Government - Melissa Horne, Nicholson Construction Director – Steve Allan, Buchan Architects – Aleksander Borek, Chair Geelong Regional Library Corporation - Cr Ron Nelson, Buchan Architects – Adrian Vocale.

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